Saturday, May 30, 2009
"Why Are You Here?"
Sunday (May 18, 2009)
Sermon by: Pastor Gail Patterson
Pastor Winston encouraged the people of God today with this word:
The enemy wants our faith so do what you can to remain faithful.
Inner Court ministered under the anointing today which always sets the atmosphere for powerful worship.
Visiting Psalmist today was Brother George Huff, a former American Idol participant. He ministered in anointing song before the woman of God preached today.
Pastor Winston introduced today's guest pastor. Pastor Gail Patterson (from Houston, TX) ministered powerfully today. Today's sermon title: WHY ARE YOU HERE?
Scripture Reference: John 19:25-30
Powerful Points from the Sermon:
- Know why you are connected to Greater Works & know why you are here.
- Calvary was a bloody mess the day our Savior was crucified, it was not a social gathering.
- There were four people there - at the cross - witnessing Jesus dying and they were:
a. Mary the mother of Jesus - she was there out of "responsibility" - this was her son
b. Mary (Jesus' aunt) - was there out of obligation, her sister's son was being crucified
c. Mary Magdalene - she had a good remembrance and her mind went back to where the Lord had brought her from - she was there to say THANK YOU!
d. John - was there because he really LOVED Jesus and he wanted Jesus to know it.
God really and truly used Pastor Gail Patterson today. The woman of God was funny in her sermon delivery - in that she made the WORD plain and very easy to understand, but it was powerful and the people of God left the service with the question on their minds...WHY ARE YOU HERE? Pastor Patterson encouraged and challenged Greater Works members (and visitors) to know the vision of our Pastor and to get in line with it.
We were truly blessed today with a life-changing WORD! God bless you Pastor Patterson as you continue to minister.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
"It's Time to Grow Up"
First Sunday (May 3, 2009)
Sermon by: Pastor Darryl L. Winston
It's the first Sunday of May (Communion Sunday) and Greater Works Assembly welcomed the return of the Youth Department's Children Church. Special thanks to ALL of the parents who did a great job of getting your children signed in.
Inner Court ministered under the anointing today which always makes preaching easy for Pastor Winston.
Pastor Winston PREACHED the Word of God and encouraged and challenged the people of God TO GROW UP. Today's sermon title: IT'S TIME TO GROW UP!
Scripture References: Hebrews 6, Matthew 5:48, Ephesians 4:15, Matthew 11:29
Powerful Points from the Sermon:
- Keep dreaming!
- Keep growing!
- Keep learning!
- You have to see the bigger picture in order to grow
- You have to see beyond the obvious to grow up
- You have to see yourself healed, delivered, set-free
- When is the last time you planned to prosper?
- Get your dream back!
- You need "growing partners" to grow
- A "growing partner" motivates you to grow
- A "growing partner" challenges you to grow
- You will experience some growing pains
- Some have been disoriented so long, you are not convicted by the Holy Spirit
- You've got work to do!
- This is the season to demonstrate God's power
- Don't stay stuck doing the same things over & over getting the same results!
- Some need to GET A LIFE!
- The world is living on edge
- TRUTH is your friend
- Prophecies are conditional
- Let go of the old!
- Greater works requires "greater" power
- Habits can be hellacious & routines can become a "rut"
- Don't let divorce derail you...keep it moving!
- Learn from the mistakes of our elders
- The enemy can't hit a moving target
- FOG (Favor of God)
God used Pastor Winston to break the bread of life to the people of God. Everyone, except the devil, left the service...ready to GROW UP!!!!
Sermon by: Pastor Darryl L. Winston
It's the first Sunday of May (Communion Sunday) and Greater Works Assembly welcomed the return of the Youth Department's Children Church. Special thanks to ALL of the parents who did a great job of getting your children signed in.
Inner Court ministered under the anointing today which always makes preaching easy for Pastor Winston.
Pastor Winston PREACHED the Word of God and encouraged and challenged the people of God TO GROW UP. Today's sermon title: IT'S TIME TO GROW UP!
Scripture References: Hebrews 6, Matthew 5:48, Ephesians 4:15, Matthew 11:29
Powerful Points from the Sermon:
- Keep dreaming!
- Keep growing!
- Keep learning!
- You have to see the bigger picture in order to grow
- You have to see beyond the obvious to grow up
- You have to see yourself healed, delivered, set-free
- When is the last time you planned to prosper?
- Get your dream back!
- You need "growing partners" to grow
- A "growing partner" motivates you to grow
- A "growing partner" challenges you to grow
- You will experience some growing pains
- Some have been disoriented so long, you are not convicted by the Holy Spirit
- You've got work to do!
- This is the season to demonstrate God's power
- Don't stay stuck doing the same things over & over getting the same results!
- Some need to GET A LIFE!
- The world is living on edge
- TRUTH is your friend
- Prophecies are conditional
- Let go of the old!
- Greater works requires "greater" power
- Habits can be hellacious & routines can become a "rut"
- Don't let divorce derail you...keep it moving!
- Learn from the mistakes of our elders
- The enemy can't hit a moving target
- FOG (Favor of God)
God used Pastor Winston to break the bread of life to the people of God. Everyone, except the devil, left the service...ready to GROW UP!!!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
"The Greater Works Factor"
Sunday (April 26, 2009)
Sermon by: Pastor Darryl L. Winston
This Sunday was Youth Sunday and the Greater Works babies did an outstanding job in ministry. Brother Jaylon Hand read the scripture, Sis. Zoe Cody did the congregational response and Brother Jahi Winston welcomed the visitors. They are students at Seeds of Greatness Academy. For more information on the SOG Academy, please call (404) 627-1874 ext: 1
The Seeds of Greatness Youth Choir sang "Trading my Sorrows" under the capable leadership of Sis. Shondra Echols.
Pastor Winston taught (preached) the Word of God and reminded the people of God about "The Greater Works Factor". (see sermon pointers below). Before the sermon, Pastor Winston ministered in song "There's a Story Behind My Praise".
Scripture Reference: John 14:12
Powerful Points from the Sermon:
- You can "THANK YOUR WAY" into another place
- This too shall pass
- The people of God should act not "what if" but "as if"
- What you've been looking for is looking for you
- It's already alright!
- Discipleship is costly
- Get somewhere and grow, blossomed and get healed!
- God is a covenant keeper
- Childlike vs Childish
Sermon by: Pastor Darryl L. Winston
This Sunday was Youth Sunday and the Greater Works babies did an outstanding job in ministry. Brother Jaylon Hand read the scripture, Sis. Zoe Cody did the congregational response and Brother Jahi Winston welcomed the visitors. They are students at Seeds of Greatness Academy. For more information on the SOG Academy, please call (404) 627-1874 ext: 1
The Seeds of Greatness Youth Choir sang "Trading my Sorrows" under the capable leadership of Sis. Shondra Echols.
Pastor Winston taught (preached) the Word of God and reminded the people of God about "The Greater Works Factor". (see sermon pointers below). Before the sermon, Pastor Winston ministered in song "There's a Story Behind My Praise".
Scripture Reference: John 14:12
Powerful Points from the Sermon:
- You can "THANK YOUR WAY" into another place
- This too shall pass
- The people of God should act not "what if" but "as if"
- What you've been looking for is looking for you
- It's already alright!
- Discipleship is costly
- Get somewhere and grow, blossomed and get healed!
- God is a covenant keeper
- Childlike vs Childish
Monday, April 27, 2009
"Buy the Field"
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Total Recovery Services (10am & 5:30pm)
Bishop Randy Borders Faith Harvest Church
Selby, North Carolina
Pastor Darryl L. Winston declared that today's services were "Total Recovery" and that the saints would leave church today with the mindset of reclaiming and taking back all that the enemy has stolen (taken).
Bishop Randy Borders ministered at both services and the people of God were richly blessed and encouraged.
10am Service
Sermon: Buy the Field
Scripture Reference: Jeremiah 32:1-8
Powerful Points from the Sermon:
- Jeremiah was a community leader who prophesied "increase"
- Jeremiah refused to be distracted
- The city was on lockdown and Jeremiah was in an isolated place
- Who buys a field while in prison?
- Who becomes an entrepreneur while locked up?
- Jeremiah made apolostolic transactions while in prison
- God sent the "go-between" man to Jeremiah while he was locked up
- Jeremiah's name was taken and he was given a number
- Sometimes we are in confining situations not because we didn't hear God but because we did
- Don't hide what God told you
- What you've been looking for is looking for you
- God masters in restrictive places
- You've got to move on the word of God
- Move now - this is your season of grace!
- While other businesses are closing, you will be opening them...
- Sometimes you are "in" isolation but not "of" isolation
- Sometimes God does things that doesn't make sense
- Evidence of the purchase - NOW faith is.....
- God will give you supernatural provision
- Don't get out of sorts because folks talk about you, it's FREE publicity!
The man of God really preached the word! To read more about Bishop Borders and to purchase a copy of any of his books/cd's,
Resurrection Sunday @ Greater Works Nation
"Come Sunday"
Resurrection Sunday (April 12, 2009)
Easter Sunday sermon by: Pastor Darryl & Elder Juakena Winston
What a powerful & anointed Easter Sunday Service we experienced at Greater Works. The Praise Team (Inner Court) ushered the congregation to a higher place of worship. Guest psalmists Penny & Zuri blessed the people of God with a praise medley which had the house on fire.
Elder Juakena Winston and Pastor Winston both preached the word on Easter Sunday & the people of God were blessed tremendously. Elder Juakena started the sermon and Pastor Winston did the conclusion. What a powerful tag-team Resurrection Sunday message.
Scripture References: Nark 16: 1-8, John 20:7
Powerful Points from the Sermon:
- Even before you get to the situation, you can see from afar that God's already worked it out.
- The enemy will come to distract you from your place of purpose.
- It's not over 'til God say it's over.
- There's nothing in the tomb that can kill the God in you.
- Because Jesus lives, YOU can face tomorrow.
- Tell the enemy - "I'm back in stride again".
- Resurrection means succeed, stand up, get up.
- When Jesus was crucified, it was the darkest sabbath in human history.
- There's something beyond the grave.
- We look at the stone instead of the situation.
- Look for the evidence - see the folded napkin - God ain't finished yet!
Monday, April 6, 2009
"A Sudden Word for A Sudden Storm"
Palm Sunday sermon (April 5, 2009)
by Evangelist Diane Barrino-Barber
Co-pastor of Mercy Outreach Ministries
High Point, North Carolina
What an anointed Palm Sunday Service we experienced at Greater Works Assembly. The Praise Team (Inner Court) set the atmosphere for the entire service and the Lord showed up and showed out.
Pastor Winston introduced our guest preacher for today’s service, Evangelist Diane Barrino-Barber. The woman of God graced the pulpit with the anointing that set the people of God up for a powerful word. She ministered until people were set free and chains were loosed forever. She ministered in word and song. The entire service felt like a “day at Pentecost encounter”.
Scripture References: Matthew 8: 23-26
Powerful Points from the Sermon:
- Struggle prepares you for the blessed place
- The storms usually come in our lives when everything is going smooth!
- The storm arose and Jesus fell asleep (if Jesus can sleep during a storm, why do we get overly concerned and worried when the “storms” come?
- The storms of life will come but remember you have the “storm calmer” on board
- You have to trust God and launch out
- Fear will set in when the storms of life show up but remember that God has not given you the spirit of fear
- Some things in our lives we must rebuke in the name of Jesus, as Jesus did the wind and the sea
- Jealousy is worse than the grave
- Learn to celebrate with others & God will bless you too!
- You have to learn to praise God in the valleys.
- You can’t tell everything. Some things you must keep to yourself.
- To have friends, you must show yourself friendly. (Proverbs 18:24)
- We must get on one accord so that we can cast out devils and get through the storms
- Remember that the hope of glory is inside of you.
The woman of God preached the word on Palm Sunday. The service was anointed, powerful and life-changing. Pastor Darryl Winston ended the service by admonishing us to praise our way through. Pastor went forth praying and prophesying to those who were in attendance including Fantasia Barrino of American Idol along with others, the fire was falling and the glory of the Lord was revealed.
It's really true that God sends a RHEMA word when we need it most!
by Evangelist Diane Barrino-Barber
Co-pastor of Mercy Outreach Ministries
High Point, North Carolina
What an anointed Palm Sunday Service we experienced at Greater Works Assembly. The Praise Team (Inner Court) set the atmosphere for the entire service and the Lord showed up and showed out.
Pastor Winston introduced our guest preacher for today’s service, Evangelist Diane Barrino-Barber. The woman of God graced the pulpit with the anointing that set the people of God up for a powerful word. She ministered until people were set free and chains were loosed forever. She ministered in word and song. The entire service felt like a “day at Pentecost encounter”.
Scripture References: Matthew 8: 23-26
Powerful Points from the Sermon:
- Struggle prepares you for the blessed place
- The storms usually come in our lives when everything is going smooth!
- The storm arose and Jesus fell asleep (if Jesus can sleep during a storm, why do we get overly concerned and worried when the “storms” come?
- The storms of life will come but remember you have the “storm calmer” on board
- You have to trust God and launch out
- Fear will set in when the storms of life show up but remember that God has not given you the spirit of fear
- Some things in our lives we must rebuke in the name of Jesus, as Jesus did the wind and the sea
- Jealousy is worse than the grave
- Learn to celebrate with others & God will bless you too!
- You have to learn to praise God in the valleys.
- You can’t tell everything. Some things you must keep to yourself.
- To have friends, you must show yourself friendly. (Proverbs 18:24)
- We must get on one accord so that we can cast out devils and get through the storms
- Remember that the hope of glory is inside of you.
The woman of God preached the word on Palm Sunday. The service was anointed, powerful and life-changing. Pastor Darryl Winston ended the service by admonishing us to praise our way through. Pastor went forth praying and prophesying to those who were in attendance including Fantasia Barrino of American Idol along with others, the fire was falling and the glory of the Lord was revealed.
It's really true that God sends a RHEMA word when we need it most!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
"From Disaster to Deliverance"
Sunday’s sermon (March 29, 2009)
by Prophet John Lewis
The sermon was very uplifting & encouraging. To sum it all up in a few words...don't focus on the disasters in life (they will happen, with or without our permission) but focus on knowing you will come through it….with your hands up!
Scripture References: I Samuel 30, Proverbs 16:7
Powerful Points from the Sermon:
- God’s timing is not like ours
- We are not exempt from disaster
- Disasters happen so we can lose some things because God has BETTER for us
- Self pity creeps in during disastrous times and seeks to invade your space
- Don’t stay in a place of “self-pity”
- We have to encourage ourselves in disaster
- We have to remind ourselves of what God has already done
- Our strength is the word of God
- We will recover everything that was loss during any disaster
- Your setback is a set up
- God does it well
- God has released angels to protect us through disasters and beyond
- God teaches us through disaster to really trust Him
- God always has something better for us
- We must be “adaptable” in disaster
- Get ready to flourish
- Restoration is coming – revival is on the way!
The man of God really taught this word on Sunday. The service was anointed, powerful and life-changing. Pastor Darryl Winston ended the service by encouraging members and visitors to continue encouraging ourselves. Greater things….(the song we ended on)
It's really true that God sends a RHEMA word when we need it most!
by Prophet John Lewis
The sermon was very uplifting & encouraging. To sum it all up in a few words...don't focus on the disasters in life (they will happen, with or without our permission) but focus on knowing you will come through it….with your hands up!
Scripture References: I Samuel 30, Proverbs 16:7
Powerful Points from the Sermon:
- God’s timing is not like ours
- We are not exempt from disaster
- Disasters happen so we can lose some things because God has BETTER for us
- Self pity creeps in during disastrous times and seeks to invade your space
- Don’t stay in a place of “self-pity”
- We have to encourage ourselves in disaster
- We have to remind ourselves of what God has already done
- Our strength is the word of God
- We will recover everything that was loss during any disaster
- Your setback is a set up
- God does it well
- God has released angels to protect us through disasters and beyond
- God teaches us through disaster to really trust Him
- God always has something better for us
- We must be “adaptable” in disaster
- Get ready to flourish
- Restoration is coming – revival is on the way!
The man of God really taught this word on Sunday. The service was anointed, powerful and life-changing. Pastor Darryl Winston ended the service by encouraging members and visitors to continue encouraging ourselves. Greater things….(the song we ended on)
It's really true that God sends a RHEMA word when we need it most!
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