Monday, April 27, 2009

Resurrection Sunday @ Greater Works Nation

"Come Sunday"
Resurrection Sunday (April 12, 2009)
Easter Sunday sermon by: Pastor Darryl & Elder Juakena Winston

What a powerful & anointed Easter Sunday Service we experienced at Greater Works. The Praise Team (Inner Court) ushered the congregation to a higher place of worship. Guest psalmists Penny & Zuri blessed the people of God with a praise medley which had the house on fire.

Elder Juakena Winston and Pastor Winston both preached the word on Easter Sunday & the people of God were blessed tremendously. Elder Juakena started the sermon and Pastor Winston did the conclusion. What a powerful tag-team Resurrection Sunday message.

Scripture References: Nark 16: 1-8, John 20:7

Powerful Points from the Sermon:

- Even before you get to the situation, you can see from afar that God's already worked it out.
- The enemy will come to distract you from your place of purpose.
- It's not over 'til God say it's over.
- There's nothing in the tomb that can kill the God in you.
- Because Jesus lives, YOU can face tomorrow.
- Tell the enemy - "I'm back in stride again".
- Resurrection means succeed, stand up, get up.
- When Jesus was crucified, it was the darkest sabbath in human history.
- There's something beyond the grave.
- We look at the stone instead of the situation.
- Look for the evidence - see the folded napkin - God ain't finished yet!

1 comment:

  1. I know this was powerful. Look at God using you two to tag team. Beautiful spirits you have. May God to bless and strengthen you both. Sure enough the world needs to hear about you all. I am sure they already have.
