Monday, April 27, 2009

"Buy the Field"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Total Recovery Services (10am & 5:30pm)
Bishop Randy Borders Faith Harvest Church
Selby, North Carolina

Pastor Darryl L. Winston declared that today's services were "Total Recovery" and that the saints would leave church today with the mindset of reclaiming and taking back all that the enemy has stolen (taken).

Bishop Randy Borders ministered at both services and the people of God were richly blessed and encouraged.

10am Service
Sermon: Buy the Field
Scripture Reference: Jeremiah 32:1-8

Powerful Points from the Sermon:

- Jeremiah was a community leader who prophesied "increase"
- Jeremiah refused to be distracted
- The city was on lockdown and Jeremiah was in an isolated place
- Who buys a field while in prison?
- Who becomes an entrepreneur while locked up?
- Jeremiah made apolostolic transactions while in prison
- God sent the "go-between" man to Jeremiah while he was locked up
- Jeremiah's name was taken and he was given a number
- Sometimes we are in confining situations not because we didn't hear God but because we did
- Don't hide what God told you
- What you've been looking for is looking for you
- God masters in restrictive places
- You've got to move on the word of God
- Move now - this is your season of grace!
- While other businesses are closing, you will be opening them...
- Sometimes you are "in" isolation but not "of" isolation
- Sometimes God does things that doesn't make sense
- Evidence of the purchase - NOW faith is.....
- God will give you supernatural provision
- Don't get out of sorts because folks talk about you, it's FREE publicity!

The man of God really preached the word! To read more about Bishop Borders and to purchase a copy of any of his books/cd's,

1 comment:

  1. I was not at the morning, but my God you all seem like you had a good time. However, I was at the evening service and the anointing was there in the house. As we was getting total recovery my spiritual man was encouraged. That night something was being birthed in me. I felt the shift in my spirit and could not help but to raise my hands and give God the praise. My heart did burn for the things of God. Highly anointed. Greater Works you all have it going on. My life will never be the same again. Most of all God was in the house. May God bless you all, Apostle, and Elder Winston. Thanks for allowing God to use you.
