Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"From Disaster to Deliverance"

Sunday’s sermon (March 29, 2009)
by Prophet John Lewis

The sermon was very uplifting & encouraging. To sum it all up in a few words...don't focus on the disasters in life (they will happen, with or without our permission) but focus on knowing you will come through it….with your hands up!

Scripture References: I Samuel 30, Proverbs 16:7

Powerful Points from the Sermon:

- God’s timing is not like ours
- We are not exempt from disaster
- Disasters happen so we can lose some things because God has BETTER for us
- Self pity creeps in during disastrous times and seeks to invade your space
- Don’t stay in a place of “self-pity”
- We have to encourage ourselves in disaster
- We have to remind ourselves of what God has already done
- Our strength is the word of God
- We will recover everything that was loss during any disaster
- Your setback is a set up
- God does it well
- God has released angels to protect us through disasters and beyond
- God teaches us through disaster to really trust Him
- God always has something better for us
- We must be “adaptable” in disaster
- Get ready to flourish
- Restoration is coming – revival is on the way!

The man of God really taught this word on Sunday. The service was anointed, powerful and life-changing. Pastor Darryl Winston ended the service by encouraging members and visitors to continue encouraging ourselves. Greater things….(the song we ended on)

It's really true that God sends a RHEMA word when we need it most!

1 comment:

  1. Sunday's sermon was awesome, and in deliverance comes healing. So I submit this prayer on behalf of people who are battling with any disease or sickness in their body:

    Lord, as I have confessed my sins to you and am a child of yours, I boldly confess your Word concerning healing. As people of this nation stand on your Word, we know that it will not return to you void, but will accomplish just what you say.

    Therefore, I believe that in the name of Jesus WE ARE HEALED of any sickness, disease or all its affects. According to Your Word, by Your stripes we can confess that WE ARE HEALED. With great boldness and confidence in you Lord I say on the authority given to me through the Word, that the people of God are redeemed from the curse of sickness and disease and refuse to tolerate or succumb to the affects of the symptoms.

    Heavenly Father we believe in you and now seal our declaration against the enemy with the blood of Jesus. We have the assurance of your Word that the angel of the Lord encamps around and about us. It is you oh Lord that delivers to us a sound mind and wholeness of body and spirit from the deepest parts of our being to the very nature of our spirit. Your Word Lord is medication and life to our flesh.

    We hold fast to our confession of faith in your Word and we stand immovable and fixed in full assurance that WE ARE HEALED in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

    Sis. Demetria Thomas (GWA)
